Chrissy Barth MS RDN RYT

“My sports nutrition philosophy: the key to better athletic performance starts with optimizing and empowering our bodies. I’ve dedicated my life to helping others understand how food and movement can work together for a positive, powerful change.”

Chrissy Barth, MS, RDN, RYT

The E.P.I.C. Approach

I didn’t choose the name “EPIC Biology” lightly. In fact, I developed it based off of my four core principles, which I apply throughout my functional nutrition practice.

Epic Biology Nutrition banner



So much of our performance as athletes simply starts with our energy levels. When we feel energized, we naturally perform (and feel) better. Functional sports nutrition focuses heavily on increasing and maintaining both our physical and mental energy.



Precision nutrition revolves around assessing one’s microbiome and metabolic responses to specific foods and eating patterns. It falls under the umbrella of functional sports nutrition, and it’s something that every Epic Biology athlete learns about from the get-go.



I’ll be the first to admit it: athletes are often the people who struggle the most with balance, both physically and mentally. That’s why one of my biggest priorities is helping people understand how to balance everything from their daily nutrition to their sleeping schedules.



There’s a great deal of misinformation out there when it comes to “fueling” our bodies for better performance. I want to cut through all of the noise to provide people with clear, actionable guidance to become better, healthier athletes.

7 points playbook

Meet Chrissy Barth

Hi, I’m Chrissy, an Integrative and Functional Sports Dietitian Nutritionist who is passionate about teaching others. As an athlete myself, I believe nutrition plays a crucial role in our health and performance – one that is often overlooked or misunderstood in today’s society.

I always felt I was destined to be a dietitian and educator, especially after dealing with my own history of dieting and struggles as a competitive athlete. I moved to Arizona, attended Arizona State University, and graduated with my B.S. and M.S. in Human Nutrition (Dietetics).

Today, I serve a wide range of athletes, offering personalized, holistic, and intuitive approaches to maintaining a high-performance lifestyle. Epic Biology is my nutrition coaching and consulting practice, and I’ve been thrilled to work with so many individuals across different age ranges.

I am also an Assistant Teaching Professor in the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University where I teach nutrition and entrepreneurship. Over the years, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to mentor many aspiring future nutritionists and dietitians, as well as to speak at academic and public events.


M.S. Human Nutrition, Arizona State University, (2012)

B.S. Human Nutrition, Arizona State University (2002)

Eating Disorders in Sport with Fiona Sutherland, The Mindful Dietitian

GI Dietitian’s Roadmap with Alicia Galvin and Erin Skinner

Certificate in Integrative and Functional Nutrition through the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy

IFM Certified Practitioner from the Institute of Functional Medicine (in progress)

Nutrition Counseling for Eating Disorders with Marci Evans

Body Image Training: The Missing Piece of Whole-Body Healing with Marci Evans and Fiona Sutherland

Digestive Disorders and Eating Disorders: A Complicated Mix with Marci Evans

The Nutritious Life Certified Levels 1 and 2 with Keri Glassman

Certificate in Reversing Cognitive Decline Advanced Clinical Training by the Institute of Functional Medicine


Arizona Functional Nutritionists (Founder)

Institute of Functional Medicine

Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy

National Speakers Association

Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine

Arizona Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group

Central Arizona Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Collegiate and Professional Sports Dietitians Association

Sports and Human Performance Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group 

Yoga Alliance


SUN Award at ASU (2016 and 2021)

Voyage Phoenix’s Magazine Inspiring Stories (2020)

Arizona’s Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (2007)

Who’s Who of Executives and Professionals, Dietetics Honor’s Ed (2007)


Registered Dietitian

Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (in progress)

Pilates Certified (in progress)

Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)

Speakers Academy Graduate of the National Speakers Association


EPIC Nutrition Playbook

Ready to ask yourself crucial questions on how to maximize your body everyday?
We’ll help you knock it out of the park with a simple, easy-to-use guide.

Expert voice — at your service!

One of my biggest passions is speaking on the topics of functional sports nutrition, optimizing the body with nutrition, and general athlete health. I’ve worked with a range of professional athletes and I’m happy to share my experience and expertise at schools, sports facilities, healthcare centers, and more. Check out my media list.

If you’re interested in learning more about booking a speaking engagement, contact me directly.

Ready to take your performance to the next level?

I’m here to help.

If you’re looking for individualized, sustainable sports nutrition guidance, let’s chat. Schedule a free 15-minute call so that we can get to know each other, then establish your next steps.