Chocolate Milk Back into the School Lunch

As a dietitian working with children, my motto for fueling is “80-20.” Eighty percent of the time I encourage families to choose nutrient-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean proteins, and heart healthy fats as these offer an array of vitamins and minerals for optimal health and performance. For the remaining 20 percent, I believe children should feel comfortable enjoying the foods and drinks they love, including those with added sugars like low-fat and nonfat chocolate milk.  As a chocolate milk lover myself, I am thrilled to see schools getting lower fat versions back into the school lunch to help kids reach their 3-4 calcium-rich servings a day.  You can see this CNN report on flavored milk by watching the clip below.

I am a consultant to the CRA and my opinions and statements are my own.

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Crissy Barth

Chrissy Barth


The EPIC Biology sports nutrition blog is a resource for athletes of all ages. If you’re looking to gain a competitive advantage by optimizing your performance and improving overall wellness, you’ve come to the right place.

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Chocolate Milk Back into the School Lunch

As a dietitian working with children, my motto for fueling is “80-20.” Eighty percent of the time I encourage families to choose nutrient-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean proteins, and heart healthy fats as these offer an array of vitamins and minerals for optimal health and performance. For the remaining 20 percent, I believe children should feel comfortable enjoying the foods and drinks they love, including those with added sugars like low-fat and nonfat chocolate milk.  As a chocolate milk lover myself, I am thrilled to see schools getting lower fat versions back into the school lunch to help kids reach their 3-4 calcium-rich servings a day.  You can see this CNN report on flavored milk by watching the clip below.

I am a consultant to the CRA and my opinions and statements are my own.

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Chrissy Barth

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